Jubilee Party & Duck Race - 4 June 2012

The Berwick St James Jubilee Party
I’m delighted to be able to say that the Jubilee Party, held on Monday 4th June at The Clockhouse, was an enormous success. Over 120 people from the village and their friends attended, and because so many people gave generously to the raffle and to the Auction of Promises, a total sum of £2,898.00 was raised, which included a grant from the Wiltshire Council of £500. After the various costs and expenses were subtracted from this figure, (some have turned down reimbursement for the costs they have incurred), we were left us with a final profit of £1,786.00. This money has been paid into the Village / Community Fund.
Decisions on how this money will be distributed and spent will take place at the next Village Meeting, which is expected to be held in September. Before that date the report on the findings of the Village Survey should be available and discussed at a separate meeting, which should generate some sound and hopefully popular ideas on where money should be spent for the benefit of the village itself and for the people of Berwick in general.
Neil MacDougall
Chairman Berwick St James Parish Meeting