Berwick St James Art Appreciation

Emerging from the Shadows – Women in Art II
Thursday 23rd February 2023 at 7pm
Following on from the last presentation, we will examine both the major stylistic changes which occurred during the late 19th century and the more tolerant and liberating environment, enabling female artists to receive proper training and better opportunities for exhibition and patronage.
We will begin with the Impressionists, Berthe Morisot, Eva Gonzales and Mary Cassatt, all of whom moved in the artistic and social circle of their male counterparts, but especially Edouard Manet and Edgar Degas. Our focus will then fall on Susan Valadon, artist, model and possibly muse to Renoir and Puvis de Chavannes. Following this we pay homage to Camille Claudel, sculptor, model and Rodin’s muse, in many ways a truly tragic figure and Gwen John, who also fell under the spell of Rodin. We complete our journey with Kathie Kollwitz, Laura Knight, Dod Proctor, Marie Laurencin, Natalia Goncharova, Paulo Rego, not overlooking Barbara Hepworth, our foremost female sculptor, friend and rival of Henry Moore. Something hopefully for everyone.