Parish Meeting 28 September 20 - On-Line
Village AGM
We have now been notified that Village Meetings can now legally carry out their formal business on virtual platforms such as Zoom or Webex. Up until now, we have been unable to hold elections for posts such as the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer or confirm the village accounts. The next village meeting will be held online again on 28th September 2020 at 7pm and will be treated it as late AGM. The existing post holders (Christian, Sarah, Bill and Kate) are happy to considered for re-election for the rest of the year. If anybody is interested in standing for any of these posts (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer & Secretary) please contact Kate at least two weeks before the meeting. An agenda with the relevant Zoom or Webex link two weeks before the meeting – Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any items to be on the agenda.